Meredith Shines the Spotlight On Successful Business Maven Linda Wisler Luft


Name:  Linda Wisler Luft

Business: Fireball Coaching & Consulting

Fireball Coaching and Consulting offers life and business coaching, group coaching, assessments, workshops and keynotes.  Linda is dedicated to teaching, inspiring and getting people “fired-up” about who they are and what they want in their life or in their business.  She will help you to clarify your vision and determine the steps needed to take your business or your life to the next level.


One word to describe yourself: High energy

Biggest current marketing challenge: Scheduling time to call prospects

Wha’s next for your business: Coaching more engineering firms

Mentor: Meredith Liepelt –it is true  (Note from Meredith – I paid her $20 to say that! Ha!)

Favorite way to increase visibility OR credibility: My book launch party which is coming up September 9th

Best business decision: To write my book SPARKS OF HOPE

Hardest lesson learned: There is more to running a business that coaching.


Guilty pleasure: Eating potato chips

Favorite hobby: Doing spinning class…is that a hobby?

Favorite book or movie: A Lot Like Love

Pet peeve: People that don’t do what they said they would do

For lunch today:  Turkey sandwich on great wheat bread with my home-grown tomatoes!

Snow or Beach:  Beach

Tennis is hard or tennis is easy: Easy

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