Meredith Shines the Spotlight On Donna Kozik

Name: Donna Kozik Business Name: & I show people how to Write a Book in a Weekend™. ‘Nuff said! LET’S TALK BUSINESS: Tell us three words that describe yourself:…

Do You Have VideoCharisma?

Enjoy this guest post from my friend, Ruth Sherman, Speech Coach to Celebrities and CEOs: Human beings are hard-wired to connect and communicate face-to-face, but let’s face it: we haven’t…

Ending the Year with Gratitude

Gratitude gets a lot of attention at Thanksgiving. That’s wonderful. But it’s also important to just stop and give thanks every day. To help remind myself of this, I decided…

Must-Read Books on My Christmas List

I just returned from the Book Fair at my kids’ school, and it warms my heart to see them SO excited about reading books. They had nearly as much fun…