Do You Have VideoCharisma?

Enjoy this guest post from my friend, Ruth Sherman, Speech Coach to Celebrities and CEOs:

Human beings are hard-wired to connect and communicate face-to-face, but let’s face it: we haven’t been doing much of that, reaching out instead using email, text and IM. 

But savvy marketers (including your very own Meredith Liepelt) ALL use video because they know what a powerful tool it is to connect with clients, customers and other stakeholders. The other truth is video scares most people to death! I mean in our celebrity culture, with one star more beautiful and appealing than the next, who wants to see themselves up close and in high definition? 

I will tell you I’m a show-biz veteran with plenty of training and I certainly didn’t want to (btw, neither do my celebrity clients!). But I recognized there was no escape and if I wanted to get out in front, I’d have to plunge in. And I’m so glad I did because my business has just exploded. 

Now, it’s your turn to discover your on-camera star quality and here are my top VideoCharisma “Speakrets” to speed up the process. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #1: Getting used to seeing yourself as others see you is half the battle. When we look in the mirror, our eye naturally corrects for the asymmetry of our face. Not so with video. Get used to it and get over it. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #2: You’ll probably need several takes to get the right one. There are days when I just cannot get a decent take, so I just pack up and try again the next day (ugh, I know, but so worth it).

VideoCharisma Speakret #3: Treat camera like a person. This is really hard to do because the camera is inanimate. It doesn’t give you any feedback. So you have to pretend, like actors do, that someone is behind that lens, reacting right back at you. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #4: Perfectionists, stop it! You do not have to be perfect. You just have to be good enough to project your unique presence and charisma, which will enable you to get your message across. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #5: Setting and lighting can be staged using what you already have available. No major purchases necessary. Daylight is best. See if you can capture that catch-light in your eyes. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #6: Ladies, street makeup is usually adequate. Gentlemen, use powder (ladies, too) to eliminate shine. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #7: The best video camera is the one you’ll use! I use the Flip or the Kodak Zi8, which are pocket video cameras that you can whip out at a moment’s notice. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #8: Get a webcam. I know PCs often don’t come with them installed, but they’re inexpensive and so easy to use. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #9: For the most part, movement and expression take place in the upper body, from the waist up, and frequently from the shoulders up. Watch broadcasters and emulate them. 

VideoCharisma Speakret #10: Keep your videos short. 30 seconds to a minute or so is long enough. Attention spans are short, so grab, give and go. 

One more thing – those savvy marketers I mentioned above (except for Meredith and me, of course)? They’re hoping you DON’T catch on to video because they know how effective it is and they’d rather not have the competition. Don’t let them get away with it! 

My unique program, VideoCharisma: Discover Your On-Camera Star Quality takes place January 12 & 19. Learn more at  Email me and I’ll send you my bonus audio mp3, “VideoCharisma: Celebrity Success Secrets.”


Ruth is a CEO and Celebrity Speech Coach. Her clients include A-list actors and other public figures. Two of her clients have won Oscars and one, the Pulitzer Prize! She’d love to hear from you! or 203-698-2512.


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