How to Become an Instant Content Super Star – Part 1

You’ve probably heard that in online marketing, content is king. This is true because when people use the Internet, they are mostly looking for information. Information is another word for content.

You, as a business owner, must create unique and interesting content in order for two things to happen. First, the search engines need to find you when a potential client is online conducting a search using your key words. Second, your content must be interesting and relevant so once your potential clients find you, they keep coming back, sign up to receive your content regularly and eventually invest with you.

As a solopreneur or small business owner with an interest in gaining online visibility, you are probably already writing informational articles as a means of creating content for these two purposes. If so, you’re already on a great path to spreading your message and driving high-quality traffic to your web site.

But did you know that there are simple ways to repurpose your articles and get more use out of your content?

As a fan of creating less work for my business and not more, last year I discovered simple ways to take an article and with a few small tweaks, create new content in new formats.

Here are a few ideas to get you started after you have written your article and published it in your ezine:

  1. Post the article to your blog on the same day you send out your ezine. Note that you don’t want to send it to any other blog or portal yet. It needs to be on your blog for at least two weeks before you allow it to be published elsewhere so your blog will get the top attention from the search engines.
  2. Post it in the “press” or “media” section on your web site.
  3. Take out sentences from your article and use them as social media status updates. Provide a link to drive traffic the full article on your blog.
  4. Post the article on LinkedIn Discussions in your groups and in Facebook notes.
  5. Use the topic to record a video and upload it to your YouTube channel or other video portals.
  6. Read your article aloud and turn it into a podcast.
  7. Create a “tips” sheet for your clients, potential clients or as bonus material.
  8. Create a press release and send it to local media.

Congratulations! You’re on your way to being an instant content superstar! In my next article, I’ll tell your four additional things you can do with your article once you’ve had it on your blog for at least two weeks.

© 2010 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt, President of Rich Life Marketing, offers a free report called “101 Ways to Attract Ideal Clients, Build Your List and Raise Your Profile,” which can be downloaded immediately at

This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.


  1. Great Post about internet marketing! I find this info very useful and belive to very good value to every one in this niche. Keep up the good work.

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