How to Become an Instant Content Super Star – Part 2

In my previous article, I offered you eight ways to immediately repurpose your article after you published it in your ezine. Today I will tell you what to do with your article after it has been on your web site, blog or other outlets for at least two weeks.

Why wait at all?

Answer: Internet search results.

You want the search engines to be able to attribute your content to your web site or blog before anyone else starts posting it on theirs. For example, if someone was doing a search on your key words, would you rather a link to your article on your site or someone else’s site pop up first? Right – yours.

So, after two weeks of having your article on YOUR outlets:

  1. Post to article writing portals like Ezine @rticles, Article Marketer (both free) or, which is a paid service that allows you to post to multiple portals at once.
  2. Post your press release online at free sources or paid service through PRWeb.
  3. Collect several articles and create a Word document or PDF of a “writing series” to use as a free offer. I did this in 2010, then applied for and won an Apex award.
  4. Assess the response: If it’s been very good, consider creating a teleclass or paid program expanding on the content.

Now that you’re getting your content out there, track your results. Here are some easy ways to do that.

  1. Set up a “Yahoo alert” and “Google alert” on your personal AND business names. By doing this, anytime your name or business name shows up online, Google and Yahoo will send you a link. This makes it easy to track where else your content shows up.
  2. Go to Yahoo and Google and enter your name in quotes. See what comes up.
  3. Watch your web site traffic – what do you notice?
  4. Keep in mind – it takes time to see consistent results. Track this for a period of 4-6 months to get a good idea of your results. The more you write, the faster your results will be.

There are many ways of repurposing your articles. The point is, don’t let them sit around and dry up after all that time you spent to write them to begin with. Pick a few of these tips and implement them immediately to make sure you get your message out there and that your message is consistent.

© 2010 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt, President of Rich Life Marketing, offers a free report called “101 Ways to Attract Ideal Clients, Build Your List and Raise Your Profile,” which can be downloaded immediately at

This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.

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