Lesson from Loral Langemeier

Loral Langemeier recently came to Columbus on her tour with eWomenNetwork. Even though I’ve had the opportunity to hear her speak four times in the last three years, I learned something new about myself this time:  I’m too passive about selling my low-end product.

Let me explain.

As I was preparing for the meeting, I collected my business cards, cell phone and portfolio. I also tucked four copies of my book in my bag, thinking that perhaps someone would be interested. Did I actually offer them to anyone? No, I didn’t. They just sat in my bag.

During Loral’s talk, she encouraged us to take a closer look at our offers. Now, this is something that I regularly help my clients with so I thought I had this covered. No sweat. I have an awesome free report. I conduct free monthly calls. In other words, I have “stuff.” In fact, I have great stuff.

She then took it one step further by asking us to make low-cost offers to each other. Because frankly, why not? Isn’t the point to make money? So I offered my book to the people at my table and sold three copies. Now, that is certainly not going to pay my mortgage, but I did walk home with new cash in my wallet and I know that my book will help those three people. What’s not to love about that?

Perhaps that means I should consider that while I’m good at putting myself out there, I still have many things to learn about following up with good selling.

What do you think? Can you relate?

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