Meredith Shines the Spotlight On Successful Business Maverick Tim Morrison

Tim-MorrisonName:  Tim Morrison

Business: Write Choice Services, Inc

Write Choice Services, Inc helps individuals discover how to start writing the book they’ve always wanted to write and then provide personalized coaching to help them write.  Write Choice Services also audits website content, newsletter content – do you really convey the message you intend to convey with your content?  We can help you clarify your voice in all of your business materials.


One word to describe yourself: Insightful

Biggest current marketing challenge: Getting the “world” to beat a path to Write Choice Services website to purchase my new book:  Writing Secrets: Essential Steps to Discover How to Start.

What’s next for your business: Creating other products based upon the Writing Secretsbook, including webinars.

Mentor: My dad

Favorite way to increase visibility OR credibility: Speaking to service clubs and organizations or to job seekers groups.

Best business decision: I left a full time job with benefits in order to work my business full time (vs part time).

Hardest lesson learned: I haven’t had one of those yet.


Guilty pleasure: Dark chocolate anything

Favorite hobby: Reading

Favorite book or movieDakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris

Pet peeve: Unwillingness of folks to seek a common ground when differences occur.

For lunch today:  A salad and veggies sticks with hummus.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Snow or Beach:  Beach

Pen or Pencil: Pen

Big or Small: Small

Slow or Fast: Slow

Twitter or Facebook:Facebook

Green Tea or Black Tea: Black Tea

Jeans or Business Suit: It depends on the setting, I comfortable with either.

Tennis is hard or tennis is easy: I don’t play.

Find out more about Tim at:


  1. TriciaMolloy

    What a great maverick to highlight, Meredith! I love this format. Tim is one of my favorite people–so passionate about helping others express their passions through books. Plus, we share the same guilty pleasure. 😉

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