Must-Read Books on My Christmas List

I just returned from the Book Fair at my kids’ school, and it warms my heart to see them SO excited about reading books. They had nearly as much fun picking out books for their Christmas list as they did at Disney World! It reminds of how important it is to read to expand your thoughts and keep learning. I have a few business books on my Christmas List this year and thought I’d share them with you in case you’re also looking for a good book. I’d also love to hear what’s on your list, as I’m always looking for books that support my learning.

The Power of Full Engagement – Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
– Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Ok, so this is hardly a new book, but I have never read it. Energy is something I’ve been very interested in and have invested in learning this year. This idea of reaching for “balance” and working on traditional “time management” as been off-putting to me because I, for one, have yet to attain it. But focusing on energy as I have been for this year has yielded results. And I want more! From what I understand, the overall theme of this book is that in order to fully engage, you must also take time to fully disengage. This idea is very appealing to me, and I can’t wait to learn more.

– Scott Stratten

Scott did a big push on Twitter earlier this year when his book came out, and perhaps you heard him talk about his book on his UnBook Tour. Or UnTour. (I don’t recall exactly what he called it – Un Something.) I don’t personally know him, but I do know that he talks about engaging with clients. “Engagement” has been a huge word in the marketing world for years. To me, engaging with others is at the core of marketing, so I’m eager to read his book and learn what he has to say on the subject of customer/client experience and engagement.

Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
– Jennifer Abernethy

Truth be told, this one is already on my bookshelf! But I am putting a new focus on social media in 2011 and this book, written by my dear friend and mastermind buddy, is a go-to resource for this topic.

Better Boundaries – Owning and Treasuring Your Life
– Jan Black

This was recommended to me as a book that is great not only for learning to set boundaries with others but with yourself as well.

What’s on your bookshelf for 2011?

© 2010 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt, President of Rich Life Marketing, offers a free report called “101 Ways to Attract Ideal Clients, Build Your List and Raise Your Profile,” which can be downloaded immediately at

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