What Can You Get for $5?

Here’s a quick tip for my blog readers:

You can get lots for $5! Have you heard of Fiverr.com?

I just heard of it last week from Jennifer Abernethy of www.TheSalesLounge.com  and checked it out. You can get lots of things there for just $5. Last time I looked, there were incredible offers. For example, someone offered to design your ebook, someone else offered to create a rap jingle about your product, someone else will give you a shout out on her radio show… Each for only $5! I’m not an affiliate, and I have not personally used this service yet, but it’s getting serious buzz. Do your due diligence, but this looks really fun. Perhaps you can send your best client a fun call from an Arnold Schwarzenegger impressionist for only $5 instead of a holiday card this year! There are lots of ways to use this to add some fun buzz to your biz.


  1. If you’re not familiar with fiverr, it is a freelance site of sorts which gives freelancers, or those looking for small side jobs, a chance to make some quick cash in way of low payments.

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