Business Lessons from the 2010 Grammys

Did you watch The Grammys last night?  I did and loved tweeting with friends who attended the event in Los Angeles and others who were watching from their sofas, like me.  I had the opportunity last year to attend the Grammy Gift Lounge prior to the event and learned a lot about how big and small businesses, celebrities, Grammy executives and the press play together to pull off this event. 

This year I did not attend, but I still had some take-aways from watching this incredible show.  After tweeting about various things during the show, I decided to ask a few business colleagues to share their take-aways with us, as they relate to business and create a conversation around this topic.  Below are their responses. Feel free to respond with your thoughts as well!

Thoughts from Ruth Sherman of

1. Don’t stand there with your hands behind your back (Kristen Bell & Josh Duhamel).

2. If you can’t at least feign interest in what you’re saying, best not to speak at all (Adam Sandler).

3. Great physical presence projects confidence and is incredibly charismatic (LL Cool J & Jeff Bridges).

4. Too much facial plastic surgery and botox significantly inhibits the ability to be expressive (Roberta Flack).

Thoughts from Nika Stewart of

Prepare your signature talk!  After seeing the fabulous Beyonce stammer and act unprepared, I was reminded that we need to be prepared for anything.  If you have a signature talk, a compelling 15-second description, an explanation of how you help people (all prepared to come out perfectly), you will be ready for any situation.

Thoughts from Jennifer Abernethy of

Just like entrepreneurs need to ‘infotain” their audience, the top pros are bringing “experiencial” entertainment to their craft.     Also, for the first time the Grammy’s were interactive with the  home viewing audience allowing us to text in our choice of song.  The entertainers are singing what audiences want.  We need to take note and bring to audiences what they want… and make our programs interactive.

Thoughts from me:

Celebrities raise their profiles (and income and partnerships and sponsorships…) by attending events like the Grammy’s. They network and have fun at the event. They vie for air time, even if it’s to present an award or just be on stage.  It all adds to their credibility and likability. We as business owners can do the same thing.  We can win awards.  And there is no shame in not winning. Attending events in our industries and communities can be a very powerful way of connecting with others. 

Thoughts from Diana Long of

My thoughts are about gratitude and how each winner had a village of support that they take the time to thank when they win.

Your turn.  Chime in and tell us your thoughts!

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