dog taking notes

Different Narrative, Different Game

I listened to a podcast with Seth Godin recently. He was asked a question about how he got over his own limiting beliefs.

He said a lot of great things and one thing that stood out to me was when he talked about how people tend to track the wrong things.

For example, we track failures, missed deadlines, times when we goofed up and so on.

His suggestion was to instead turn our attention to tracking wins. For example, the times when we took a risk, the times we brightened someone’s day and so forth.

The suggestion here is that tracking your wins starts to redefine you as a person who makes an impact on the world. It’s a narrative that puts the emphasis on the positive things in your life.

And this narrative is something we have control over. In other words, the things you focus on are up to you. It’s not done to you. You get to choose the narrative.

It comes down to this: different narrative, different game.

So why not track your wins today? That’s today’s food for thought. Have a great week.

By the way, here’s the link to the podcast if you are interested.

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