man running in clock face

Guest Expert Interview: Delegation, Time Management and Building Capacity

I work with people who accomplish a lot and have high aspirations for themselves and their businesses. They are usually scaling their business in some way and because of that, a common struggle they deal with is how to use their time most effectively.

That’s why when I met Lisa Crilley Mallis of Impactive Strategies last month, I knew I had to get her in front of you ASAP! I was so impressed with the success stories she shared with me! I just knew that she had some great insight that would help my clients and others on my list that I have yet to work with directly.

Lisa generously agreed to answer some questions from my clients and here is a 43 minute audio where does just that.

Get ready to shift your mind around how you think about delegating and building capacity!

In our talk, I learned a lot and here are just three highlights that I personally took away from our conversation:

  1. I learned a simple way to increase the effectiveness of how I delegate. (I seriously could have used this years ago.)
  2. She gave me “permission” to unhook from well-known time management advice that has NEVER served me and in fact, just made me feel guilty. No more!
  3. I learned a 4-word sentence that can clarify everyone’s personal answer to: “How can feel like I’m just spending the day putting out fires?” Spoiler alert: It’s “Is this your fire?” Lisa provides an excellent example how dissecting this question then looking at the answer made a huge difference to one of her clients.

Here are the two additional free resources we discussed:

Here’s the interview!


P.S. There is nothing for sale here. Just info I know you can use immediately!

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