Rule Breaker Awards

Rule-Breaker-2014-Nominee-BadgeI am a nominee for the 2014 Rule Breaker Awards. I break the rules by combining coaching with experiences that stretch my clients into new possibilities. These experiences depend on which program a client is in, but examples include visiting a news station and meeting producers and anchors, getting their colors analyzed so they are lookin’ good when they are out speaking, on TV, networking and running meetings, and I have also been known to make strategic introductions to specific movers/shakers which have led to amazing publicity, joint ventures and more speaking engagements. I have taken clients on a retreat in Los Angeles where we went behind the scenes of the 2014 Oscar Nominee Gift Bag media tour. I’ve had a professional videographer film clients and provide tips for taking great video themselves. I’ve also done coaching poolside and met people for manicures instead of coffee. In other words, I do more than provide information and mentoring. I provide experiences that will stretch my clients so they grow and find the courage and confidence they need to get out there and make a name for themselves in their own unique way.

If you’d like to vote for me, I’d certainly appreciate it. Thanks for your consideration.

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