She did this 4 years ago and look what happened…

I was chatting on the phone with a long-term client of mine the other day when she told me something extraordinary.

She had a conversation with a potential client about a high-end service that her company offers. The potential client was very interested, but because it’s a very personal skin care service, she wanted to think about it.

That afternoon, she called my client back stating that she did some research online about the procedure, and the very first article that came up was an article that my client was quoted in.

She booked her series of appointments that day.

Here’s the thing: That article was 4 years old. The information was still relevant, but my client had all but forgotten that the article was out there. But it was still out there working to generate awareness and build credibility.

It made me think about all of the places that she and other clients have been quoted online the past and how it’s all still relevant today.

Because once you get publicity, it’s yours forever:

  • You can use the logo of the media outlet in your marketing materials forever.
  • As long as the media outlet hasn’t taken it down, it’s still out there providing you with a high-authority back link to your web site, which boosts your SEO.
  • You can take a screen shot of it and let web site visitors read it forever.
  • You can put it in a speaker’s demo reel or an intro video on your web site.
  • It is found by search engines when potential clients searches your name and/or topic of expertise.

The value of just being quoted in an article can change your business, just like it did my client’s.

In my Profit from Publicity program, I teach how to pitch yourself to reporters who are looking for experts just like you to quote in their articles. Interested in learning more? Book some time on my calendar and let’s talk.


© 2015 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt is a Brand Strategist specializing in creating visibility for experts. For branding and marketing insights, challenges and inspiration, visit

This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.

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