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Want Publicity? Use Everything You’ve Got

I often talk about “using everything you’ve got” when you pitch to the media. What I mean by this is that you shouldn’t overlook opportunities for publicity, even when they don’t directly relate to your business.


Because you are more than just a professional persona. You are a person with a full life and lots of life experiences, all of which make you, YOU. And different. And unique. And special.

When you share different pieces of yourself, it’s easier for people to know, like and trust you.

Here’s an example. I was onboarding a new client recently who shared with me that she identifies as bisexual. I’m so glad that she told me that because now I can pitch her to LGBTQ media outlets, and they will likely be very receptive to considering her story. That one fact opened up a flood of new opportunities for publicity for her.

Here’s another example. I answered a query on HelpAReporter and ended up in an article called 10 People on How They Turned Their Liberal Arts Degree Into a Successful Career that was published on ScholarshipPoints.com. Now I get to share this with others, and they get to see a glimpse of me from a new perspective. Maybe we have something in common that we never knew before. Maybe this will spark an interesting conversation. Maybe it will help someone to see a liberal arts degree in a new perspective.

The point is that you are a full person with lots of life experiences. And believe it or not, all of those things that make you, you, can open doors to telling your story, sharing your message and helping more people.

© 2018 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt specializes in helping experts to become more visible through messaging, communication and PR strategies. For insights and inspiration, visit www.RisingStarPublicity.com.

This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.

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