Do a Virtual TV Interview From Your Office!
Coronavirus has disrupted standard operating procedures of most every organization. Local lifestyle TV shows that feature local guest experts are no different. One of the questions they had to figure out was this: How do we continue to book guests when everyone needs to stay at least 6 feet apart and wear a mask?
The answer: Virtual guest interviews, of course!
This means there is an opportunity for you to be on TV from the comfort of your own office. Most every lifestyle TV show around the country has continued to book guest experts during the pandemic and have worked through all the kinks. That means the opportunity for you to be on TV is still there, it’s just a bit more convenient because you can do it from your home or office!
There are a few things that are different about being on TV virtually instead of in-person. Here’s what you need to know:
1. Showcase Your Brand!
Since you will be on TV from your office, you have the opportunity to show off your brand in creative ways that you simple can’t when you’re an in-studio guest. Consider your background. If you have written a book, place your books on a shelf behind you. If you have a banner or wall with your logo, be in front of it.
Here you can see how two of my clients did this: Karen Hough, CEO of ImprovEdge, was in front of a backdrop with her business’s logo and Alex White of Peak Human Performance, stood in front of his logo at his gym.
Bonus tip: Once you’re booked, mail your book to the studio so the anchors can hold it in their hands during the segment.
2. Do a Dry Run
Be sure to test run your technology and that you have a good internet connection. Test your sound and spacing from your camera to be sure you can be seen and heard. If you’re too far from the camera, it will be difficult to hear you.
3. Actively Listen
You need to really actively listen during your live segment because you may not be able see the anchors that you’re talking with during your interview. You need to rely on listening really well! Try to not talk over the anchors and they will do the same with you. If they do start talking over you, take that as cue that you need to move on to your next point in order to stay within in your allotted time. When the anchors start to give you cues that time is running out, wrap up your point within seconds.
4. Use Props
TV is a visual medium so having a prop or two will be helpful to share your expert tips. Think though what would be helpful. Here you’ll see my client Jaclyn Peresetsky of Skin Perfect Spas as she shared tips for changing your skin care routine from summer to fall. She had the products neatly displayed in front of her and ready to pick up. Judy MacNamee of ADHD Coach Connect holds up a simple prop to show an idea for helping to your child to organized if they are in virtual school and have been diagnosed ADHD.
5. Be Ready to Go!
In TV, things move very quickly. You may be asked be ready at 9am for a 9:15am appearance. If you were in the studio at 9am, you would be a part of the segment preparation. For example, you would be setting up your props, getting your microphone on, they would be moving set pieces around, you would be meeting and chatting with the anchors. That doesn’t happen with virtual interviews! You may be in a virtual waiting room until 9:13 when the producer pops in and says, “Thanks for being here. Are you ready to go in two minutes?” Don’t freak out as you are watching the clock tick down toward your segment time. If they haven’t acknowledged that you are there and it’s approaching your go-time, remain calm and know that they will be there for you just before your appearance. They are behind the scenes doing the prep for your segment.
© 2020 Meredith Liepelt, Rising Star Publicity
Meredith Liepelt specializes in helping experts to become more visible through messaging, communication and PR strategies. For insights and inspiration, visit www.RisingStarPublicity.com.
This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.
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