Meredith Shines the Spotlight on… Ruth Sherman

Name:Ruth Sherman

Business Name: Ruth Sherman Associates LLC

Ruth is CEO and Celebrity Speech and Media Coach – but you don’t have to be famous to work with her.  She helps people become great speakers, presenters and media darlings so they can reach many more clients faster and get more business.  She is an Expert Blogger for Fast Company, where she posts on Leadership Communication; a political communication expert who believes completely the better communicator always wins; an author of a McGraw-Hill book that has been translated into Chinese and Romanian.

She is devoted to, and absolutely loves helping small business entrepreneurs harness the immense power of on-stage and on-camera presence, the greatest marketing and personal branding tools too many business owners avoid.

Tell us three words that describe yourself: Daring, Caring, Scared

Who are your mentors and why? Social Media: Jennifer Abernethy – Jenn is the smartest, most creative, generous person I have ever met in this arena, bar none!

Business coaching: Suzanne Evans – because she tells the truth, which that isn’t easy and you can’t build a truly successful biz in just 4 hours per week.

Entrepreneurial role model: Meredith Liepelt – because she is so nice, generous, fun, successful, and lives her brand.

What’s next for your business? My LIVE event in New York City – Charisma! Presentation to Profit – One Day to Command the Stage, Conquer the Camera & Cash In on Your Charisma, May 11th. This is so exciting for me, I can barely articulate my feelings. Too many entrepreneurs think they don’t have what it takes. But they’re so wrong! They do have what it takes. They just have to uncover it and deploy it.

Current business challenge: Getting it all done, which I never will – trying to accept that reality.

What are your thoughts on how you view your competition?  I love – and learn – from them. There are billions of people in our world… plenty of business for everyone. I invite my competitors to reach out to me. I would love to know you!

How do you live your brand? I know that the way we present ourselves has a huge impact on the way we are perceived and received by clients and prospects. I work hard every day to create an environment where clients can feel safe. Putting yourself out there on-stage or on-camera is risky. It’s hard. I try to lessen the risk and make it easier by disabusing people of pre-conceived notions and deeply held beliefs that are holding them back. I’ve seen it ALL. In addition, I make an effort every day to treat people with kindness, respect, and empathy (which have fallen out of favor lately).

Favorite way to build buzz, create celebrity and change the world: Well, I just got an assignment to work on a film that will open this year’s Cannes Film Festival! (Screened it and it’s good, but I don’t want to brag 😉 ). OK, back down to earth – honestly, being consistent, publishing my ezine weekly, providing useful information and content, and reaching out to my fabulous followers and clients; learning, learning, learning!

Best business decision: Hiring a coach. Teaming up with Meredith Liepelt, who is one of the most talented and generous people I have been honored to meet in my career and life.

Hardest lesson learned: Ugh. Too many to list. BUT – not asking for help, a HUGE personality flaw has to rank at the top.  Believing the lies that it’s “easy” or “simple” to run a successful business is the second. I’m gullible.

Guilty pleasure:  Ice Cream (I’m a vegan, LOL)

Favorite hobby: Music. Every kind. Love listening to classical.

Favorite book or movie – Why?: Stephen King, because he’s so good at scaring me half to death and helping me to escape and supend my disbelief.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate – no contest

Snow or Beach: Beach – no contest

Slow or Fast: Fast (I’m from New York)

Green tea or black tea: Both – caffeine is the common ingredient

Jeans or Business Suit: Jeans… BUT I dress appropriately for clients who range from Wall Street to small biz entrepreneurs. I view it as costuming and sometimes I have to bring a change of clothes.

How Can We Find Out More About You?

© 2012 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt is a Brand Strategist specializing in creating visibility for experts. For branding and marketing insights, challenges and inspiration, visit

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