Your Yummy Brand Difference

Whether you are a small business, micro business or big business, showcasing what makes you special, notable and different is what makes you stand out. And businesses that stand out are the most memorable. Memorable businesses get more business.

Here’s a simple thing to do that will help you stand out without reinventing the wheel:

Notice what makes you uniquely you and use it to spread your message and your special point of view. For example, one of our clients is a health coach uses the word “yummy” to describe things.

“That sweater is yummy!”
“This exercise is yummy!”
“My vacation was yummy!”

It’s just so HER!

After doing a branding exercise with us, she now that  she is aware that she uses this language naturally and she intentionally incorporates it into her business through her “Yummy Tips” in her newsletter and on social media. It helps her to be memorable and stand out. (Check her out on twitter: @sallykennedy)

This may seem like a small insignificant thing, but in fact, small things like this add up to make a really big difference. So do you have a word you favor? Or another notable nuance? How can you use it to stand out?

© 2012 Meredith Liepelt, Rich Life Marketing

Meredith Liepelt is a Brand Strategist specializing in creating visibility for experts. For branding and marketing insights, challenges and inspiration, visit

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