
Kapow! Messaging That Gets Results

In the past couple of weeks, the topic of messaging has been very prevalent in my work with clients. Business owners are shifting how they speak about their work given the current state of affairs in the world, but the basics of marketing remain the same: To be heard in a very crowded market, you need a strong message that will stand out.

Here is what I’ve noticed from three clients regarding how their clear core messages are leading to opportunities:

Story #1:

One of my clients decided to go all in with a big Facebook ad campaign to generate leads. We jumped on a call with a well-known Facebook ads pro who does not take on just any ol’ client. She requires a lot of the upfront work to be done already, meaning she requires crystal-clear messaging to a specific audience and a highly compelling free offer to advertise. She charges a lot because she guarantees results. After reviewing my client’s offer, message, and marketing, she was absolutely certain that she would help because, in her words, “He has a great offer for a specific market that we can absolutely target on Facebook.”


Kapow! A specific message for a specific audience allows for little down time to start a Facebook ad campaign where the results are guaranteed.

Story #2:
I pitched a fitness expert who was offering free online classes to a TV show. Before I had the chance to share his unique message, the producer said, “Everyone is offering free online classes right now. What’s special about him?” Basically, what she said was, “So what?” In fact, she sort of laughed, thinking I would have nothing more to say. However, when I shared his point of view about how mindset is a key component of a successful fitness routine, and how their coaching helps their clients, and how it plays directly into what’s going on right now in the world, she booked him.

kapowKapow! A simple answer to a common question seals the deal and got this client a spot on live TV where he stood in front of his logo hanging on the wall, talked about his company’s unique point of view, shared his web site and phone number, and had his personality shine through in front of hundreds of thousands of people.

Story #3:
Another client made the courageous decision to change the way she presents herself from a generic nutrition coach who “helps clients find balance,” to a health coach who helps women struggling with autoimmunity to feel like themselves again. This is much more specific and easier to understand.

kapowKapow! She’s making some simple changes to her positioning on her web site and creating new content for her audience so her message and personality shine through in a way that they have not before. Like anyone who goes through the process of standing out by getting clear about who you are best suited to help and revealing your personality more, she’s nervous, but she absolutely sees the value in it and is excited about it all.

To be heard, especially right now, it’s really important to stand out. You don’t need to fabricate a persona or take on a different personality. When you solve a specific problem and layer in your personality and point of view, Kapow! That’s how to stand out!

© 2020 Meredith Liepelt, Rising Star Publicity

Meredith Liepelt specializes in helping experts to become more visible through messaging, communication and PR strategies. For insights and inspiration, visit www.RisingStarPublicity.com.

This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.

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